Hello, everyone!
I am Jerry, the author of this blog!
I broke up with my girlfriend this month. I was so depressed that I barely function daily. This is the reason why I published no posts in October.
Anyways, here comes the expenses of October:
Money for my family: $5500
I gave $5500 to my parents every month. This is a common tradition of Hong Kong people.
Food& Beverages: $1944.3
I spent more on my daily lunch because of two reasons: First, cheap restaurants are no longer a choice to me. I chose to support the social movements by applying my rights of consumer, i.e. eating lunch in restaurant which supports the movements. Second, food became a comfort to me during my break up with my girlfriend. I ate some a little bit expensive lunches.
Entertainments: $969
This included the swimming pool admission fees, some games I bought online and some toys I bought.
Transportation: $440.9
This is about my average. Yet, the actual amount will be less since the HK government is now subsidising our transportation fee for around few dollars per month depending on your amount.
Phone: $116
This is the phone bill.
Haircut: $70
Cheap haircut.
Miscellaneous: $351
I bought some books for personal growth.
TOTAL: $9391.2
This is quite surprising to me because the whole expense is under 10k even though I spent a lot on my food. This might be due to the "power" of being single. I hope I can keep my expense low for the last two months of 2019 so that I could be reach my financial goal this year!
What about you? How much did you spend in October? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!