Saturday, June 27, 2020

Half annual review 2020

This is frustrating to admit but the financial goal this year will not be met. The pandemic struck my girlfriend's finance hard. She is unemployed currently. It is unlikely for her to find a job in Thailand now. I took up the responsibility of taking care of her. This extra spending slows me down on the road to FIRE. 

Yet, there is always silver lining. After some calculation and planning, I readjusted my short term goal. To accumulate $2M assets before 2023 will be my current short term goal.

So as to achieve this goal, actions have to be taken:
1. Spend 23090(2020)/23933(2021)/24837(2022) per month
2. Look for 2 short-term freelance jobs ($800-1000/h x 10-13 sessions)
3. a) Sell the HK stocks as long as the rise is larger than the amount of 2-years interests
   b) If HSI reaches around 29000, then sell 2800
   c)  Earn 50k from trading/investing during the coming 2 years

The future of the world is gloomy, but I think opportunity and risk coexist. Be honest, open-minded and disciplined.

Regular Financial Updates 2020 Q2

Hi guys!

This is Jerry, the author of this blog! I decided to post the total asset I have so that you guys could witness my growth.

This is the second quarter asset report of 2020:

Last quarter was a nightmare. In March, the stock market dropped about 30% and so did my assets. I bought in some stocks too early. Then I sold them too early. I missed the rebound afterwards. This experience makes me rethink if my strategy is good or not.

Then I realise it is my mind, not my strategy. I was scared when it came down 30% from the top. I didn't believe it's true when it started to rebound. Therefore, I spent some money and time to learn about investing. 

I learnt no matter it is trading or investing, planning and discipline are the key. Why to buy/sell and when to buy/sell are the questions to ask. Execute your plan when signals arrive. Don't hesitate. I will remember this lesson.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

June Expenses 2020

 Hello, everyone!

I am Jerry, the author of this blog!

Here comes the expenses of June:

Money for my family and GF: $17444.4

Food& Beverages: $1623

Transportation: $397.7

Phone: $116

Clothes: $59

iPhone (1/12 installments): $283.25

Miscellaneous: $789.49

TOTAL: $20712.84

I tried hard to keep my expenses as low as possible. The largest spending is still the financial support to my family and girlfriend. I cannot cut this part as I treasure them as much as I treasure myself. The only redundant part is those spending related mobile games which cost me around $160.

What about you? How much did you spend in June? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Monthly Investment Plan - HK ETF 5/6/2020

I will continue to contribute to 3140 since this is in fact a US ETF. As for 2800, I will stop contribution once a whole lot size is accumulated because of the recent change in social economic environment in HK. The economy is not good around the globe. Unemployment rates are high. Yet, some said the bear market has ended already. I will be bullish technically but stay very cautious about the macro economy.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Monthly Investment Plan - HK Property stocks 5/6/2020

Sorry, I didn't update last month. I changed my plan because I thought the social economic environment in HK has fundamentally changed. I am not sure if this change is good or bad, but I don't want to bet my future money on an uncertainty. Therefore, I will stop this plan once a whole lot size is accumulated.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

May Expenses 2020

Hello, everyone!

I am Jerry, the author of this blog!

The virus is still here but there are less and less new cases around the globe.

Anyways, here comes the expenses of May:

Money for my family and GF: $22444.4

Food& Beverages: $1122.6

Transportation: $340.8

Entertainments: $96

Phone: $116

Clothes: $158

iPhone (1/12 installments): $283.25

Miscellaneous: $188

TOTAL: $24749.05

The money I spent is much more than before. Because of the pandemic, my family and GF's finance has some changes so I decided to provide some financial helps to them. Other expenses are well controlled. The iPhone and the clothes are the birthday gift I bought myself. These things contribute to a better QoL. My old iPhone was somewhat broken and my clothes were worn out to some degree.

What about you? How much did you spend in May? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!