Friday, January 31, 2020

December Expenses 2019

Hello, everyone!

I am Jerry, the author of this blog!

In order to make things more precise and simple, I will stop explaining every category. I will comment everything in the last paragraph instead.

Anyways, here comes the expenses of December:

Money for my family: $5500

Food& Beverages: $1249

Entertainments: $7691.54

Transportation: $350.9

Phone: $116

Miscellaneous: $973

TOTAL: $15880.44
To be honest, I spent so little this month. I went to travel once. This explains why my entertainment category went up so high. Besides, I saw doctor once and spent some money on self-improvements.
All in all, I managed to keep my expenses below 50% of my income. Good news for me!

What about you? How much did you spend in December? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!