Sunday, January 31, 2021

January Expenses 2021

 Hello, everyone!

I am Jerry, the author of this blog!

New year. New start. My 2021 dream is to go abroad and meet my girlfriend. I hope the pandemic will disappear soon!

Anyways, here comes the expenses of the first month this year:

Money for my family: $6000

Food& Beverages: $

Transportation: $

Phone: $26.5

Personal growth: $746.25

Household products: $1048.1

Entertainment: $600

Miscellaneous: $441

TOTAL: $9773.75

My monthly expenses went down a lot because I stop supporting my girlfriend financially. Yet, the biggest expense is the household product as the core of the water purifier at home ran out so I bought a new one. Other expenses are within normal limits.

What about you? How much did you spend in January? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Side hustle income record (Jan 2021)

Saturday morning: 1440 x 5=7200

Freelance SMP: 900 x 4= 3600

Freelance SSW: 680 x 6= 4080

Freelance PL: 600 x 4= 2400

Freelance D: 600 x 3= 1800

TOTAL: 19080


I didn't expect there were more freelance jobs this month. Originally, I would like to take some more rest, but there are many things happening around me right now. For example, I realized my father and my girlfriend were both in very unhealthy financial situation. Therefore, I took up more side hustle so as to compensate the extra money I gave them.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Monthly Investment Summary 2020/December

Hi, guys and gals! I would like to restart an old series of my blog. I will post my investment records every month.

My portfolio is consisted of 70% stocks, 5% REITs, 20% bonds, 5% gold and crypto. Most part of the stocks have been and will be bought in ETFs with some individual stocks. REITs are in the form of VNQ. Bonds include VGLT, VGIT and VCIT. Gold are in IAU while I will continue to buy ETH and BTC for the crypto part. 

As on 5/1/2021, my portfolio is worth ~240k. I will continue add my saving in this portfolio and let's see what will happen after one year.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

December expense 2020

Hello, everyone!

I am Jerry, the author of this blog!

Finally, the nightmare-like 2020 was gone. Here comes 2021! Happy new year!

Anyways, here comes the expenses of last month:

Money for my family and GF: $22444.4

Food& Beverages: $381.6

Transportation: $323.8

Phone: $58

Personal growth: $1162.25

Entertainment: $308

Miscellaneous: $430.11

TOTAL: $25108.16

My monthly expenses went down a little bit this month because I worked from home again. There was little money spent on transport and eating out. And I finally found a way to reduce my phone bill! Minus the money I gave to my girlfriend and my family, I only spent around $3000 this month. I will try my best to keep the expense as low as possible in the coming year.

What about you? How much did you spend in December? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Side hustle income record (Dec 2020)

Saturday morning: 1440 x 4= 5760

Freelance A: 900 x 3= 2700

Freelance B: 680 x 8= 5440

TOTAL: 13900

Reflections: The agent just informed me my freelance job on Saturday morning may be terminated after March. Yet, it is not a bad news as the type of clients is quite different from that of my full-time job. I have been spending time on preparation. I may take some rest if it is really terminated.