Thursday, April 4, 2019

March Expenses 2019

Hello, everyone!

I am Jerry, the author of this blog!

Here comes the expenses of March:

Money for parents: $5500
This is the money I gave to my parents every month. If you are a foreigner, you may find it strange. Yet, this is a common practice in Hong Kong or some other Asian countries.

Food& Beverages: $1107.1
This includes the eating out with friends so it might vary month to month. I had a gathering with my old friends in college and hanged out once with my colleagues. Therefore, I spent a little bit more than last month.

Entertainments: $4349.2
Wow! This amount is 10 times that of last month. This is because I went to Vietnam to visit my girlfriend. I also did some online shopping. I bought some little presents for her as I didn't buy her anything on Valentine's Day.

Transportation: $499.3
This is a little bit above my average due to the gatherings. Yet, the actual amount will be less since the HK government is now subsidising our transportation fee for around $20-30 dollars per month depending on your amount.

Household products: $108
I bought a passport holder so as to avoid money loss again.

Mobile fee: $4307
I bought a new iPhone for my girlfriend as she lost hers.

TOTAL: $15870.72
I spent quite a lot this month. The saving rate is around 60% this month. Well, if I can travel back to March, I still couldn't figure out any ways to cut the expenses. I might choose not to eat out with my colleagues.

What about you? How much did you spend last month? Please let me know by commenting below! See you next time!

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